Basic Squat


Feet just wider than your pelvis with your feet slightly turned out.

Sense into your feet. Press your big toes into the floor. Lift your arches. Keep your weight evenly distributed on your foot.

Sit back and down into the squat. Can you sense your hamstrings (muscles on the backs of your thighs) pulling you down into the squat? Use your hamstrings to slightly resist gravity.

Maintain the neutral relationship between your rib cage and pelvis. Do not backbend. Do not round your spine.

Attempt to sit your hips just below the top of your knee cap.

Pause in the bottom for a moment. Keep your thigh bones externally rotated and your knees wide. Keep your leg muscles actively engaged.

Press your feet strongly in floor to return to stand. Push the floor away from you as you stand.


Ways To Load Your Squat


Kidney Bean Feet


Alternating Reverse Lunge