Booty Bird Dog


Set up with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your hips over your knees.

Strongly press the floor away from you with your hands. Feel your shoulder blades widen across your back with you do this. Feel your rib cage move up and away from the floor.

Keep your toes on the floor and slowly straighten your left knee and slide your left foot back.

DO NOT move your spine. DO NOT rock your pelvis. DO NOT backbend!

Continue to strongly push the floor away from you with your hands.

Float your left foot off the floor. Can you feel your left butt cheek engage?

Pause for a moment. Feel your butt. Engage your butt!

Slowly extend your right arm.

Pause in the extended position for an easy breath or two.

Return to the beginning and repeat on the other side.

Click here for more variations of the Bird Dog exercise.


Bent Over Bench Row With Leg Lifted


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