Forearm Plank

Key Points

Elbows directly under shoulders with forearms parallel to one another.

Keep your collarbones broad and your shoulders away from your ears.

Press your forearms strongly into the floor.

Keep your head, ribcage and pelvis on the same horizontal plane. Maintain your Core Cylinder Position.

Create your muscular core brace by pushing out into your side waists and connecting to your 360-Degree Diaphragmatic Breath.

No saggy spines!!!

Do not drop your head!!!

Do not round your shoulders toward your ears!!!

Try to create as much space between the front of your body and the floor as possible. It’s as if you are attempting to float yourself up, lifting your body out of your shoulders.

Exercise Prescription

Begin with your knees down to feel the bony position and core muscular brace. If this feels challenging enough, hold here for 30 - 60 seconds.

For added challenge, lift and straighten your knees. Do not lose position! Hold for 30 - 60 seconds.


Supported Hang


Core Press Out (Pallof Press)