Gastrocnemius Stretch

Key Points of This Move

Press your heel down into the ground.

Point your toes forward.

Maintain Core Cylinder Alignment. Connect with your 360-Degree Diaphragmatic Breath.

Ideally you’d like to achieve 35 degrees of ankle bend, called Dorsiflexion. For many people this takes time and repeated exposure to this stretch and other ankle mobility drills.

Exercise Prescription

Begin by holding this position as static stretch. If the stretch is meaningful, hold for up to 2 minutes.

After a static hold, explore movement by rolling your pelvis, tucking and untucking your tailbone. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Then try rotating your pelvis open and closed. Repeat for 10 repetitions.

Can you feel how the movements of your pelvis connect all the way down to your ankle?


Upper Body Mobility Wall Sequence


Supine Cactus