Hamstring Bridge


Place 4” - 6” ball or rolled towel between thighs. Your knees should be in line with your hips, not wider than hips.

Take your feet as far away from your butt as you can while still maintaining contact with your entire foot (all 10 toes, balls of both feet and heels).

Settle your rib cage down and into your body. This will place your middle back in contact with the floor. You can use a long, slow, complete exhale out your mouth through pursed lips to help position your front ribs together and down.

Pull your heels back in your shoes to engage your hamstrings.

Use your hamstrings to pick up your tailbone and lower part of your butt while keeping your lower back down on the floor. Do NOT aggressively squeeze your butt or tuck your tail. Do NOT suck your belly button into your spine.

Maintaining the core alignment and hamstring engagement, begin to lift your hips higher so that your lower back comes off the floor. Do NOT back bend as you go higher.

Hold for 5 - 15 seconds. Relax and repeat for 3 total rounds.


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