How To Ease Tension In Your Upper Trap Muscles

Chronic tension in the neck and upper shoulders is very common.

An essential key to solving this problem once and for all lies in your breathing pattern.

If you are using your upper trap muscles with every breath you take, no amount of stretching or massage will relieve these tired, overworked muscles.

You’ve got to give them a break by breathing with your diaphragm.

And by learning to breathe into your side waists and middle back.

A great way to start retraining your breath is to simply lie on the floor in constructive rest position and observe your breath.

Where is there movement? Where are to tense? Can you feel your belly soften as you inhale? Can you keep your jaw, neck, chest and shoulders relaxed? Can you feel movement in your rib cage?

Can you get feel your rib cage retract (down and together) as you exhale?


Mobility Class: Overhead At The Doorway


Shoulder Rotations