Rib Cage Mobility Sequence

1) Cat + Cow x 5 full breaths

*Get all the air out of your lungs with a strong exhale out of your mouth. Inhale easily through your nose.

2) Thoracic Cat + Cow x 5 full breaths

*Get all the air out of your lungs with a strong exhale out of your mouth. Inhale easily through your nose.

3) Kneeling Latissimus Dorsi Stretch x 5 full breaths each side

4) Side-Lying Arm Sweep x 8 each side

*Rotate from your breastbone. Keep your knees still and stacked. Keep your shoulder connected.

5) Wall Roll Down + Up x 10

*Move one vertebra at a time

6) Neutral Spine Exploration at the Wall


Push Up Basics


Half-Kneeling Play