Straight Arm Pulldown

Firmly plant your feet. Feel your tripod foot.

Find a neutral spine. Align your rib cage over your pelvis. DO NOT backbend as you pull the bar toward you.

Keep your elbows straight.

Keep the ball of your shoulder in the socket. In other words, keep the front of your shoulders back.

Initiate the movement by drawing your shoulder blades down your back. Pull the bar to your body by using your armpits. DO NOT press the bar down with your arms and hands.

Can you feel your latissimus dorsi muscles? These are the big V-shaped muscles that run down your back.

Pause in the bottom position for a breath or two. Feel the muscles on the back of your arms engage. Draw your shoulders down and back. DO NOT back bend. Keep your ribs aligned over your pelvis. Stand tall. Engage your back muscles.


Half-Kneeling Hip + Thigh Stretch


Rib Cage + Belly Breathing