Supported Hinge Hold

Key Points

Keep your shins perpendicular to floor. Knees directly over ankles.

Push the bench away from you. Do not passively collapse into your shoulders.

The weight of your body should be mostly in your hips. If the bench fell to the floor, you wouldn’t fall with it.

Find the neutral curves of your spine. There is a slight “hill” in your upper back and a slight “valley” in your lower back.

Breathe into your shorts. Send your breath down into your pelvis. Imagine you are trying to inflate your rear end with air like a balloon.

The back of your hips should feel wide and broad. Do not clench your butt or tuck your tailbone.

Imagine that you are sending the top of your thigh bones on opposite diagonals to emphasize the broadening of the back of your hips.

Hold for 5 - 10 full breaths.


Alternating Hip Hikes (Pelvic Teeter Totter)


Choose Your Move: Bug