3 Moves To Open Your Chest

#1 Side-Lying Arm Sweep

#2 Wall Windmill


How To:

  • Stand with your inside leg forward.

  • Ground strongly into your feet, particularly through the heel of your outside leg.

  • Keep your hip bones pointing forward.

  • Rotate from your chest and upper back, but DO NOT ARCH YOUR SPINE! Keep the front of your rib cage moving down and back. Keep your bra-line full.

  • Watch your hand with your eyes as you rotate.

  • Keep your legs grounded and your pelvis still. Keep the frontal hip point of your outside leg moving back.

  • Breathe easily through your nose.

#3 Supine Cactus

How To:

  • Keep your mid-back in contact with the floor.

  • Actively press everything from your mid-back and higher into the floor.

  • Can you press the back of your head into the floor? Your bra-line? Your upper back? The back of your wrists? Can you externally rotate (open) your shoulders and feel a stretch through your chest? Can you keep your neck, jaw and face relaxed? Can you feel the top of your shoulder blade move toward the floor as the tip of your shoulder blade moves into your body?

  • Press actively down for 30 seconds and repeat for 3 total rounds.


Double Dumbbell Split Squat


3 Moves For Strong Arches