Choose Your Move: Side Plank

Side Plank variations shown in the video above:


  • Both knees bent

  • Push down through bottom leg to lift hips up

  • Hold for 15 - 60 seconds


  • Top knee straight

  • Push down through bottom leg to lift hips up

  • Hold for 15 - 60 seconds

Kneeling Leg Lift

  • Push down through bottom leg as you lift and lower top leg

  • Lift and lower your leg for 6 - 12 repetitions or simply hold the leg up for 15 - 60 seconds

Full Side Plank

  • It’s harder than it looks!

  • Hold for 15 - 60 seconds

Side Plank Plank Dips

  • Maintain core connection and drop and lift your hips for 6 - 12 repetitions

Full Side Plank w/ Leg Lift

  • Lift and lower your leg for 6 - 12 repetitions or simply hold the leg up for 15 - 60 seconds

Below are photos of some planks shown in the video along with a few other options:

Mermaid Side Plank

Mermaid Side Plank

Knee Lift Adduction

Knee Lift Adduction

Side Plank

Side Plank

Adductor Side Plank

Adductor Side Plank

Kneeling Side Plank

Kneeling Side Plank

Kneeling Star

Kneeling Star

Side Plank Star

Side Plank Star

Copenhagen Adduction

Copenhagen Adduction


3-D Pelvis


Dumbbell Snatch