Alternating Quadruped Row

How To Do This Move:

1. Set Up In A Strong Quadruped Position

  • A strong quadruped set up is key!

  • Spread your fingers wide.

  • Suction cup the floor with your hands.

  • Spin your elbow dimples forward and pull your shoulders away from your ears.

  • Do not sag in your shoulder girdle. Spread your shoulder blades wide.

  • Lift your breastbone away from the floor (and tuck your tailbone if needed) to align your core.

  • Keep your head lifted, in line with your spine.

  • Tuck your toes under and actively engage your big toes.

2. Press Down Before You Row

  • Actively press the dumbbell in your right hand down into the ground.

3. Keep Pressing Down With The Right Dumbbell As You Row

  • Keep pressing the dumbbell in your right hand into the ground as you row the dumbbell in your left hand toward your left hip.

4. Maintain Core Position

  • Do not twist, side bend or backbend. Keep your chest parallel to the floor and your side-waists equal in length.

5. Repeat On Other Side


Standing Quadruped Alternating Row


Bird Dog Row #3