Choose Your Move: Push Up

Here's a sample of the progression I use to help clients get from knee push to the full meal deal.

1. Kneeling Plank

Spread your fingers wide. Anchor equally though the pinky finger and the thumb edge of your palm.

Make as much space between your breastbone and the floor as possible. This will retract your rib cage back and help move your front lower ribs toward your hip bones.

Push the floor away from you and spread your shoulder blades wide (protraction).

Keep your shoulders away from your ears and your neck long.

Ball of the shoulder stays in the socket. Do not overreach with the front of your shoulder.

Tuck your tailbone to bring your pelvis into neutral or a slight posterior tilt.

Squeeze your inner thighs together.

Tuck your toes under and actively press your toes into the floor.

2. Knee Push Up To High Plank

Keep your tailbone tucking as you straighten and lift your knees.

Do not let your hips hike up into the sky.

Do not let your lower back sag into a backbend.

3. Knee Push Up

Move only within the range of motion that you can control confidently for at least 6 - 12 repps. If you can only do 3 push ups within your current range, you are moving too deep. Keep it small at first. Over time you will be able to move deeper.

Initiate the movement from your shoulder blades. A push up is not simply an arm and front of the shoulder movement, but should involove movement of your shoulder blades together and apart (retraction and protraction).

4. Knee Push Up to High Plank

Keep your core connected! Tuck your tail! Ribs contained!

5. Knee Kickstand

Use your knees when needed, but as little as possible.

6. Full Descent, Knees Help Up

Go down from your toes, push up from your knees.

7. Full Deal!

Move only within the range of motion that you can control confidently for at least 6 - 12 repps. If you can only do 3 push ups within your current range, you are moving too deep. Keep it small at first. Over time you will be able to move deeper.


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